Labels:monitor | plant | workwear OCR: COMPUTER PROGRAMMING 693 FIGURE 12-23 Start The pizza program flowchar illustrates how the computer should proceed through the Input instructions in the final program. Shape1 Price1 Size Shape Yes square? Squarelnches1= Squarelnches1= Key to Flowchart Symbols 3.142 (Size1 2^2 Size1 Size1 Start orend SquarelnchPrice1= Input or outpuf Price1 Squarelnches Input Decision Price2 Shape2 Size2 Calculation Connector Shape2 square? Flow line Squarelnches2 Squarelnches2 3.142* (Size2 22 Size2 Size2 Squarelnches2 Price2 Squarelnches2 SquarelnchPrice1< Yes SquarelnchPrice2? Output Squarel InchPrice1 "Pizza SquarelnchPrice2? the best deal. Output Output "Both pizzas "Pizza 2is are the same the best deal deal. 12 CLICK TO START End Price